Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What are they doing????

I looked out my dining room window and saw a sight I just can't figure out. What the heck are my neighbors doing.  There are no little girls or even little kids living at the house.


Susan said...

Aren't people fun to watch? Not so easy to figure out, but still fun to imagine. When you find out, let us know (maybe a choir display for Christmas?). On first look I thought it was a table covered with turkeys.

Chris McGuire said...

It's kinda disturbing at first glance. Lol

Minnie said...

If there's no kids, this is disturbing at first and second glance. You stay safe too.

Joysze said...

Are those turkeys??????? No... they're not... ROFLMAO... wth?!

Mireille said...

I am also curious now. Let us know if you find out.

Denise SA said...

Weird stay safe

Dede said...

Thought turkeys too!
Maybe they are preparing dolls to give away--got a good buy or rescued from a fire at a store and had to let them air???
Keep us posted! (and make sure your doors are locked!) LOL

Anonymous said...

I thought turkeys to.

Hope you find out what they are up to

Hazel C (UK)

mdgtjulie said...

LOL, like everyone else, I thought they were turkeys at first too. How odd!!!

Ginger said...

I too thought turkeys when I first looked at the photo! If you ever find out, you will have to let us know what they were doing!