Brentley's quilt made it to Virginia and will be given to my niece at her shower tomorrow. My sister is going to Skype me in if she can so I can see Kelli and JD open it.
Since I realized that I screwed up my Block of the Month quilt I have put it away for a week or so and am working on some other things. I know what I did and I am getting more fabric to redo the 1st and 2nd blocks but that's OK I am just looking at it as aa lesson to learn. Besides I can use the ones I made a mistake on as a pillow cover to match the quilt when it is done.
I decided to work on the table runners I am doing for my sisters. I got the first table runner top done so far. I will work on the other one and get it done before doing any quilting. I also have to replace the backing fabric I choose because it just doesn't look right now. Of course I am heading to a Quilt Show in the morning so fabric vendors watch out here I come.
Happy Stitching Everyone.
Lovely progress. The quilt looks such pretty colours so I'm sorry you have had problems with it.
Enjoy the quilt show!! Love the table runner. I am sure the baby quilt will be much appreciated. Great job getting so much stitching in.
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