Monday, June 30, 2014

Weekend Cross Stitching and Quilting

Worked on my Pot 4 Dickie sampler and got another row do. I need to check the instructions to see what the translation is on the words I stitched. Only have about 6 more rows to do I think, but they are pretty wide ones. 

My String Block quilt top that I nicknamed Stringy is done. It will go in the to be sandwiched and quilted basket. I really had a lot of fun working on this one and will do another since I still have a basket of strings left. 


llknbillburg said...

Wonderful progress on P4D! I am so jealous!! I really need to get mine back out and make some real progress on it. That's hard to do if it never comes out of the bag!! Maybe I will be able to work it back into the rotation when I get one of my current Wips finished. Laura

Jan said...

Pot4 is looking great. I'm trying to remember when you started.
The quilt looks good to.

cucki said...

Wow it's looking great and the quilt is so sweet too x

Jo said...

Adore Stringy, looks so bright and cheerful x

Susan said...

Your string quilt looks great and you're making wonderful progress on P4D

bonnie said...

very pretty work!!!