Thursday, July 17, 2014

Pot 4 Dickie 7-17-2014

Time to move the Stitching frame on Pot 4 Dickie so I am posting a picture tonight and will up date again on Sunday if I get any more stitching done. 

Jan asked me a few weeks ago when I stated Pot 4 Dickie so I checked the start date on the first row I did and it was 2-18-2011. Wow hate to see what the start date is on some of my other UFO's. I know some of them will never be finished but I will continue to hold on to them for some day, it may come who knows.


cucki said...

It's so beautiful x

llknbillburg said...

LOVE seeing your progress on this piece!! I still haven't managed to get mine back in the rotation so it is still barely started but seeing your's is inspirational!! Laura

Jan said...

It looks great. I remember we all teased you about how long it would take. I think you're getting it done sooner than we all thought.