Thursday, March 20, 2014

Last Day of Winter

Last day of winter and first day of the Spring Equinox was a beautiful day after the fog burned off today here in Central Florida. I spent about 3 hours in the quilt room and a few hours in my recliner cross stitching. 

I added the joining row to the next band on Pot 4 Dickie, but I don't think I got a very good picture. Will work on it this weekend. 

I was playing in the quilt room the other day and started making String Blocks with left over scraps that I have been saving and the ones that Gail has been giving me. I now have 32 blocks. Gee only need about a 120 more for a good size throw. All from scraps that a lot of quilters throw away. 

Today I also did the first two star blocks for the March BOM. I love how they turned out. Only one more Friendship Star to piece together and then fill in the  blank spaces with 2 inch squares and this months BOM will be finished. 

Happy Stitching Everyone. 


cucki said...

Wow so beautiful..
Big hugs x

Susan said...

Everything looks great. I love scrap quilts - it is so much fun to look at the bits and remember where they came from.